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Selected Publications

Publications by Your Consultant Alexander A. Bolshakov
Publications by Your Consultant Alexander A. Bolshakov
- A.A. Bol'shakov, C. Liu, S.J. Pandey, R.E. Russo, Methods for Multiphase Laser Ablation Analysis, US Patent 11247295, 2022.
- A.A. Bol'shakov, C. Liu, S.J. Pandey, R.E. Russo, Multiphase Laser Ablation Analysis Instrument, US Patent 11085882, 2021.
- A.A. Bol'shakov, S.J. Pandey, X. Mao, C. Liu, Analysis of liquid petroleum using a laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy instrument, Spectrochim. Acta, Part B, v.179, 106094 (2021).
- C.G. Parigger, A.A. Bol'shakov, R.E. Russo et al, Molecular laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy, in "Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy", 2nd Edition, (Eds: J.P. Singh, S.N. Thakur) Elsevier, 2020, p. 167-209.
- J.H. Yoo, C. Liu, A.A. Bol'shakov, R.E. Russo, X. Mao, et al, Laser ablation analysis techniques, US Patent 10222337, 2019.
- A.A. Bol'shakov, X. Mao, R.E. Russo, Spectral emission enhancement by an electric pulse for LIBS and LAMIS, J. Anal. At. Spectrom., v.32, p. 657-670 (2017).
- D.M. Wong, A.A. Bol'shakov, R.E. Russo, Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy, in "Encyclopedia of Spectroscopy and Spectrometry", 3rd Edition (Eds.: J. Lindon, G. Tranter, D. Koppenaal), Academic Press, 2017, p. 533-538.
- H.K. Sanghapi, J.C. Jain, A.A. Bol'shakov, et al, Determination of elemental composition of shale rocks by laser induced breakdown spectroscopy, Spectrochim. Acta B, v.122, p. 9-14 (2016).
- A.A. Bol'shakov, X. Mao, J.J. Gonzalez, R.E. Russo, Laser ablation molecular isotopic spectrometry (LAMIS): current state of the art, J. Anal. At. Spectrom., v.31, p. 119-134 (2016).
- J.H. Yoo, A.A. Bol'shakov, Method for real-time optical diagnostics in laser ablation and laser processing of layered and structured materials, US Patent 9061369, 2015.
- A.A. Bol'shakov, X. Mao, J. Jain, D.L. McIntyre, R.E. Russo, Laser ablation molecular isotopic spectrometry of carbon isotopes, Spectrochim. Acta, Part B, v.113, p. 106-112 (2015).
- A.A. Bol'shakov, X. Mao, D.L. Perry, R.E. Russo, Laser Ablation Molecular Isotopic Spectrometry for rare isotopes of the light elements, Spectroscopy, v.29, no.6, p. 30-39 (2014).
- A.A. Bol'shakov, X. Mao, C.P. McKay, R.E. Russo, Laser ablation – optical cavity isotopic spectrometer for Mars rovers, Proc. SPIE, v. 8385, paper 83850C (2012).
- A.A. Bol'shakov, Determining key isotopic ratios in the field, NASA Tech Briefs, Photonics, v.36, № 11, p. Ia-3a (2012).
- R.E. Russo, A.A. Bol'shakov, J.H. Yoo, J.J. Gonzalez, Laser ablation plasmas for diagnostics of structured electronic and optical materials during or after laser processing, Proc. SPIE, v. 8243 (2012).
- X. Mao, A.A. Bol'shakov, D.L. Perry, R.E. Russo et al, Laser ablation molecular isotopic spectrometry: Parameter influence on boron isotope measurements, Spectrochim. Acta Part B, v.66, p. 604-609 (2011).
- X. Mao, A.A. Bol'shakov, C.P. McKay, R.E. Russo et al, Laser ablation molecular isotopic spectrometry: Strontium and its isotopes, Spectrochim. Acta Part B, v.66, p. 767-775 (2011).
- R.E. Russo, A.A. Bol'shakov, X. Mao, C.P. McKay, D.L. Perry, O. Sorkhabi, Laser ablation molecular isotopic spectrometry, Spectrochim. Acta, Part B, v.66, p. 99-104 (2011).
- A.A. Bol'shakov, J.H. Yoo, C. Liu, J.R. Plumer, R.E. Russo, Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy in industrial and security applications, Appl. Opt., v.49, p. C132-C142 (2010).
- A.A. Bol'shakov, B.A. Cruden, Diagnostics of the inductively coupled plasma by diode laser absorption spectroscopy, Tech. Phys., v. 53, p. 1423-1432 (2008).
- A.A. Bol'shakov, А.А. Ganeev, V.М. Nemets, Prospects in analytical atomic spectrometry, Russ. Chem. Rev. (English), v. 75, p. 289-302 (2006).
- A.A. Bol'shakov, B.A. Cruden, S.P. Sharma, Determination of gas temperature and thermometric species in inductively coupled plasma by emission and diode laser absorption, Plasma Sources Sci. Technol., v.13, p.691-700 (2004).
- A.A. Bol'shakov, B.A. Cruden, R. Mogul et al., Radio-frequency oxygen plasma as a sterilization source, AIAA Journal, v.42, p. 823-832 (2004).
- A.A. Bol'shakov, B.A. Cruden, S.P. Sharma, Sensor for monitoring plasma parameters, Proc. SPIE, v.5339, p. 415-426 (2004).
- S.P. Sharma, B.A. Cruden, M.V.V.S. Rao, A.A. Bol'shakov, Analysis of emission data from O2 plasmas used for microbe sterilization, J. Appl. Phys., v.95, p. 3324-3333 (2004).
- A.A. Bol'shakov, Sensor for monitoring nanodevice-fabrication plasmas, Nanotech Briefs, v.1, no.1, p.17 (2003); NASA Tech Briefs, v.28, no.1, p.30-31 (2004).
- R. Mogul, A.A. Bol'shakov, S.L. Chan et al., Impact of low-temperature plasmas on Deinococcus radiodurans and biomolecules, Biotechnology Progress, v.19, 776-783 (2003).
- A.A. Bol'shakov et al, Corrective correlation method for the analysis of gases by Plasma/Laser–Excited fluorescence spectrometry, Spectrochim. Acta, Part B, v.57, p.355-364 (2002).
- A.A. Bol'shakov, R.M. Barnes, Electron temperature and radiative attachment continua in enclosed inductively coupled plasma in argon and chlorine, Spectrochim. Acta, Part B, v.52, p.2127-2150, (1997).
- A.A. Bol'shakov, N.V. Golovenkov, S.V. Oshemkov, A.A. Petrov, Plasma pre-excitation of gaseous samples for laser-induced fluorescence spectrometric analysis, J. Anal. At. Spectrom., v.5, p.549-552, (1990).
- A.A. Bol'shakov, Yu.E. Skoblo, Study of the population processes of metastable neon atoms and excited helium molecules in the afterglow of a discharge in helium with a very low neon content, Opt. & Spectrosc., v.68, no.6, p.732-736, (1990).
- A.A. Bol'shakov, N.V. Golovenkov, S.V. Oshemkov, A.A. Petrov, Laser-induced fluorescence analysis of inorganic gases and vapors (Review), J. Appl. Spectrosc., v.51, no.2, p.741-753, (1989).
- A.A. Bol'shakov, O.V. Ravodina, V.V. Semenets, Excitation transfer between neon 2p53p levels from Ne*-He collisions, Opt. & Spectrosc., v.67, no.4, p.453-457, (1989).
- A.A. Bol'shakov, N.V. Golovenkov, S.V. Oshemkov, A.A. Petrov, Determination of low neon concentrations in helium with laser excitation of fluorescence in the discharge afterglow, J. Appl. Spectrosc., v.48, no.6, p.570-576, (1988).
- A.A. Bol'shakov, S.V. Oshemkov, A.A. Petrov, Determination of trace concentrations of neon in helium with laser excitation of the 2p53s – 2p53p transition in neon in a High-Frequency discharge, J. Appl. Spectrosc., v.39, no.5, p.1254-1258, (1983).
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